
We were first registered as an association in 2021 under the name, “Associació Sarana (Refugi)”, with the Generalitat de Catalunya. As our orangization developed, in 2024 we also registered as a religious entity with the Entidades Religiosas del Gobierno de España with the name, “Sarana Vihara”.

A small team of board members maintain both structures and in addition the role of abbess is formally recognised in the statutes of Sarana Vihara.

Registration information

Associació Sarana (Refugi)

Regulartory body: Generalitat de Catalunya
Registration date: 29/6/2021
Registration number: 69487
NIF: G05478755
Registration listing

Sarana Vihara

Regulartory body: Entidades Religiosas del Gobierno de España
Registration date: 24/09/2024
Registration number: 027464
NIF: R44004531
Registration listing