Vinaya Camp: an approach to monastic life

30 August 2024

Saraṇa hosts a one-week workshop on the monastic code

Monastic robes

Between the 4th and 11th of June 2024 Saraṇa hosted Vinaya Camp on the new Vana site . The event aimed to offer teachings on the Pāṭimokkha (monastic rules), to bhikkhunis, sāmaṇerīs (novice nuns), anagārikas (eight precept postulants) and women interested in training to be ordained as bhikkhuni, as well as those keen to support the establishment of a female monastic presence in Spain rooted in the Vinaya (monastic code) tradition.

Led by the German nun, Bhikkhuni Phalanyani, with the support of Bhikkhuni Anuvidita it was a great opportunity to learn about monastic rules as well as enjoy some space for meditation, questions and discussion surrounded by nature.

Vinaya Camp was the first event held on the grounds that the Saraṇa Vana monastery will be built. A cosy neighbourhood of tents were set up for the occasion and a flat in the area was rented for additional facilities.

Saraṇa Vana's first Dhamma hall

In addition to receiving teachings on the Pāṭimokkha and sharing reflections with attendees, the nuns also had the opportunity to go to the village with their bowls to receive food offerings, as established by the Buddha. Happily, this practice is still preserved by many monasteries and creates sweet openings for communities to connect in Dhamma.

Besides being a great opportunity to learn more about the Vinaya from a teacher who has a deep knowledge of and experience in the subject, it was also gave a beautiful chance to model a simple way to approach monastic life in nature, as was done 2,500 years ago.